Come one, come all, and revel as I navigate the ups and downs of the mundanities of my life. Thus far, my stomach-churning has been kept to a minimum, but I can't speak for my readers. You'll be riveted as you're kept on the edge of your seat, wondering, "Will the next post be the one that makes me lose my lunch??" Excitement, she wrote!

Monday, January 02, 2006

Update and More

Quick Updates
As most of you know, my laptop was stolen on my birthday. Despite having other access to the Web, I've been slow in updating because I no longer have an AIM profile in which to advertise this. But I've ordered a new computer, so all should be back to normal soon. Meanwhile, I am in California visiting my dad, and I will return to Baltimore on the 7th. I hope everyone had a good Xmas, and Happy New Year!

Kiefer Gets Bumped Off...
Kiefer Sutherland, AKA Jack Bauer of 24, clearly enjoyed a better New Years' celebration than most of us. And I hope it was worth it, because that embarrassing display just cost him his space in my heart.

uvexpressionx7: are you utterly disappointed at your man right now?
o0 freelancer 0o: yeah
o0 freelancer 0o: i mean, that's kind of a turn-off
o0 freelancer 0o: this is akin to peeing your pants in public

I'm sure there are those of you out there who will dismiss Kiefer's antics as carefree and badass, to which I have this to say: Yes, there are worse things than body slamming a Christmas tree in a hotel lobby, but Kiefer - you are a grown man with a successful career and a teenage daughter, not a meathead frat boy who has had one - no, make that more like five - too many drinks. You are about a cheap penile-enlargement away from being the middle-aged male equivalent of Tara Reid. Don't do that to yourself. Don't do that to us.

...And is Replaced By Fragmaster
Kevin "Fragmaster" Bowen of Doom House fame (and writer for Something Awful, site director for Planet Stacked, and former writer for various gaming websites that are nerdy beyond even what I can handle) has taken time out of his busy schedule being an Internet god (or something like it) to acknowledge the existence of mere mortals like myself. And for that he totally rocks! Kevin writes:

Dearest Stalker,

I don't get a whole lot of marriage proposals, so thanks a lot! Unfortunately, I live on the West Coast... so I don't think we can get hitched. Shucks. It's a shame because I can cook and if you were nice I would cook for you sometimes :(


Kevin is a sweetheart to offer and I am not deserving of the genius that birthed something as great as Doom House. Along those lines, Lowtax Kyanka has my props too, but there's just something about the blank-eyed sexiness of "Reginald P. Linux? I heard you needed a cop" that can't be matched.