Come one, come all, and revel as I navigate the ups and downs of the mundanities of my life. Thus far, my stomach-churning has been kept to a minimum, but I can't speak for my readers. You'll be riveted as you're kept on the edge of your seat, wondering, "Will the next post be the one that makes me lose my lunch??" Excitement, she wrote!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

The Y Chromosome

There are two ways men can warp my sleep schedule:

I can stay up all night having sex with them, as exemplified by the following men:


I can stay up all night learning from them, as exemplified by these following men:
1) Thomas Aquinas
2) John Finnis
3) Lon Fuller
4) John Austin
5) H.L.A. Hart
6) Karl Llewellyn
7) Duncan Kennedy
8) Ronald Dworkin
9) Robert Cover
et al.

I'm in for one sexy night.


o0 freelancer 0o: i want you to come over to the carlyle and, when i'm not looking, throw me out a window.
nihil2501: aw, why
o0 freelancer 0o: i have spent the last three days reading philosophy of law, and i still am, and...basically, just come over and get it over with.
o0 freelancer 0o: okay?
o0 freelancer 0o: i'll see you in like what, 15 minutes?
nihil2501: if i werent doing homework i swear i would murder you

Monday, October 17, 2005

A New Low

i don't think i'm going to get any ass soon

o0 freelancer 0o: i'm not either
o0 freelancer 0o: it's because my standards are too high
o0 freelancer 0o: i don't wanna shack up with some random drunk guy
o0 freelancer 0o: that's my standard.
o0 freelancer 0o: above random drunk guy.
Jubilee251: i think it's because i'm not drunk enough

I really need to get laid. Bad.
*lowers standards*