Come one, come all, and revel as I navigate the ups and downs of the mundanities of my life. Thus far, my stomach-churning has been kept to a minimum, but I can't speak for my readers. You'll be riveted as you're kept on the edge of your seat, wondering, "Will the next post be the one that makes me lose my lunch??" Excitement, she wrote!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Hua Er

I've started a new art project! It's a pop-art-esque portrait of my dad's dog as a Christmas gift for my dad. I definitely had my reservations about it at first since it's not really my style to know, pet portraits (studies of Grundton are one thing - the angles and linearity of a cat do wonders for developing sketching skills; a fluffy, doofy shitzu is another story entirely), but after the first hour, I'm starting to really get into it.

I started with a rough sketch just to get a feel for the shapes and proportions, and then I looked at some pop art paintings online to get a sense of the look I was aiming for.

I'm really excited about continuing with this painting. My new job at Victoria's Secret definitely gives me the time to do some art and writing routinely. More updates to come!

Hua Er, the cute but doofy subject of "Hua Er".

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