Come one, come all, and revel as I navigate the ups and downs of the mundanities of my life. Thus far, my stomach-churning has been kept to a minimum, but I can't speak for my readers. You'll be riveted as you're kept on the edge of your seat, wondering, "Will the next post be the one that makes me lose my lunch??" Excitement, she wrote!

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Bruce Chen Really Is My Brother

There are three potential explanations for the glorious events of last night at Camden Yards:

1) The Amy Chen curse has finally been broken.
2) The Amy Chen curse never existed.
3) The Amy Chen curse still exists, and I'm a closet Yankees fan.

We can sit here and debate the options until the cows come home, but really, it doesn't matter. What is important is that the Orioles finally ended their trillion-game losing streak and completely CLOBBERED the Yankees (17-9) in a sweet, victorious (albeit drawn-out) miracle for which I was present to observe in all my drunken glory. With me were two Yankee loyalists, Sex Coldren and Birdman, who -- despite their allegiances -- are great guys and were impressively tolerant of an effusive and inebriated Asian girl rooting loudly for her home team. I ask: are there no better friends than those who will feed you beer at a sporting event, and not look away in embarrassment as your "whooos!!" become more frequent and, quite possibly, more obnoxious? No. There are not.

Sex Coldren and Birdman, my favorite Yankees fans.

Even without the win, last night would still have been one of the most memorable nights I've had in recent history. It's not that I haven't enjoyed the past few weeks of Beirut and 2am IHOP trips. And I always had a good time at Nationals games this summer at that fixer-upper of a stadium they call RFK. But finally getting to see the O's play again at Oriole Park - especially with good company - was a refreshing change. Also, Javy Lopez is hot.

What did kind of blow, however, was the horrible O's fan turnout. I mean, I know that this team kind of went south of cheese over the summer, but it is still sad when the chants of "Let's go, Yankees!" emanate so clearly and even Phillies and Red Sox caps are popping up all over the place. *sigh* Isn't it so endearingly contrarian of me to root for a team whose fan attendance at a home game was far outnumbered by that of its rival? As I've said before, being an O's fan is kind of like owning a 16-year-old dog that's riddled with degenerative diseases. The going gets tough and things get frustrating, but even when it's on its last breath and the vet is about to put it down, you're still going to be there, holding its paw.

But all that aside - what an awesome night. The cherry on top came with Boston's defeat by Toronto, which means that I got to see my team win without having the Yankees fall behind. Come this weekend, I will hopefully see a few crushing Red Sox defeats, and finally get to cheer at the same time as Sex Coldren and Birdman. Rock on!

This is not how it looks, I swear. Let me explain...

Brian Roberts (in the sling) is acknowledged before the game. What a guy! At least he can say he got fucked up by someone named "Bubba".

Me and Drew.

Top of the 7th, score is 13-8 Orioles.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

For Real This Time!

My apologies.

To say the least, I have not been keeping up with my blog obligations (blogligations? blobligations?) since I've been back from the summer. I wish I could say that my time of late has been spent on productive, community-oriented goals such as literacy programs for the blind or herpes public service announcements or the like, but to be honest, I've really just been doing a lot of drinking.

But seriously now, it's time to get your window into my life back on track. Whatever that means. I know classes have started for everybody, so I'll try to keep this entry simple and straightforward. Any questions you have, come see me during office hours.

China was really awesome.

Nina moved out, Stawek and the previously unknown Brendan Costigan moved in. Brendan graduated from Hopkins a year ago and now he's back to work in the area. Very cool guy and makes a wicked fajita. Stawek is still the Polish lush we've known and loved for three years and counting. We're going to polish this place up and paint a mural and do some other crazy crap. Welcome to Buddytown, Mid-Atlantic Chapter.

At this point, my main concern in the entertainment department is to not let Stawek or Chris Canary spiral into alcoholism alone. I know some of my friends have approached my drinking and five-day-a-week inebriation with concern, but to them I say: know that I do it for those who need me. And to stay on top of my Beirut game.

In other entertainment news, I've been recently exposed to a lot of crazy electronic music, and it rocks my socks.

Within the next 30 years, keep an eye out for the book, Well, Back to the God Thing, and you'll know what I've been filling my head with these days. Of course, I could also just tell you right now, but then none of you will read the book.

Let me make my stance on team allegiance very clear for those who seem not to get it: I am an Orioles fan. They are the only team I care about, and my love for the O's extends farther than my hatred for any team. So, for example, when the O's are playing the Red Sox, I will NOT root for the Sox just to spite the Yankees. When the O's lose 11 to 3 to New York, I will NOT don a Yankees cap just to feel that elusive rush of victory. Those who thought I abandoned the O's for the Nats: you're outta your fucking mind! The O's are my team, and I'm going to be with them until the bitter end.

In an unrelated matter and just as a point of clarification, I don't care much for the Red Sox and it wouldn't break my heart to see them get killed by NY.

Moving on to football, the game I know nothing about, I've decided to jump on the Just-Can't-Quite-Make-It-Teams bandwagon and and root for the Eagles. If nothing else, it will make my good friend Ryan Carroll very happy. Since I'm still slowly learning about downs and positions and...player's names, if anybody wants to sacrifice their Sundays or Monday nights molding their favorite Asian girl into a football fan, call me.

* * * * * * * *

So there you go - you're all updated on my life again. Goody.

15 hours until I see Yankees v. O's at Camden Yards!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Just Repeat This Mantra...

To my relief, the idea of me becoming a Yankees' fan clearly does not sit well with the masses. I thank them for their concern while we all continue hoping for the best.

Auto response from o0 freelancer 0o: I swear to god - one of these nights I'm going to buckle down and start doing some work instead of becoming an alcoholic and allowing myself to be converted to a *shudder* Yankees fan.
Really, I swear.

XPhyIe: i dont even know you anymore

Airman C81:
try not to become a yankees fan, but if you do know that we can perform an exorcism on you. being a yankees fan is pretty much the same as being possessed by the devil or some o
ther evil entity. do not fear, your soul shall not perish because of those pinstripes

ShaddamVII: Drink away!
ShaddamVII: But drink away and BERATE the Yankees' fans.
ShaddamVII: Goddamnit!
ShaddamVII: Go Indians!
ShaddamVII: Go White Sox, Go A's, Go Red Sox!


6 days until I see Yankees v. O's at Camden Yards!