How High Are You?
A Short Quiz*
Answer the following questions "yes" or "no." Multiply the number of "yes"' by four to determine your highness percentage.
1) You have eaten an entire pizza in less than 10 minutes.
2) You have forgotten where you were going at least three times on the same road.
3) You know what "IDM" stands for.
4) You frequently solve the mysteries of the universe, and then forget what they were right away.
5) You have spent at least seven hours in a single day watching cartoons.
6) You have ever believed you had discovered the secret to eternal happiness.
7) It takes you 10 minutes to read the first sentence of a book.
8) You own two or more objects that glow in the dark.
9) You smile every time you see a can of cream of mushroom soup.
10) You understand the potential consequences of not moving out of the Doom House.
11) You get the joke in Super Mario Brothers.
12) You own a Grateful Dead poster.
13) You own a Jimi Hendrix poster.
14) You know where the name "Autechre" comes from.
15) You know how to get wet without the assistance of water or some other liquid.
16) Orange is your favorite color.
17) You know more than one definition of the word "windowpane."
18) You find musical value in random noises.
19) You're really into fractals.
20) You have ever had a conversation with a tree.
21) You thought the tree had more interesting things to say than your friends.
22) You can recall at least one physical sensation you cannot begin to describe verbally.
23) You immediately recognize the smell of oregano.
24) When you're by yourself, you think you're a really good dancer.
25) You wish Timothy Leary were your teacher.
*Quiz courtesy Chris Canary
In Other News...
If you are still at Hopkins, make sure to pick up a copy of the winter issue of J.mag! They are available at MSE, the Mattin Center, the Hut, and various other locales.
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