Come one, come all, and revel as I navigate the ups and downs of the mundanities of my life. Thus far, my stomach-churning has been kept to a minimum, but I can't speak for my readers. You'll be riveted as you're kept on the edge of your seat, wondering, "Will the next post be the one that makes me lose my lunch??" Excitement, she wrote!

Monday, May 02, 2005

The end is in view!

Quick update on this last week:

All work.
No sleep.

...okay, that second one was a lie. I averaged about 4 hours a night, which is still suicide-inducing. (Speaking of which...let me segue into my paper on physician-assisted suicide...No, I'm just kidding. Like I really want to talk more about PAS after writing a 17-page paper on it. Any more PAS-talk and I'll need a dose of lethal medication - ah hahahaha. Haha. Ha.) Of course, I still have a crapload of work left to do - plus I'm still poor - (I'm still the same old Amy Chen,) but the end is nearing and in 3 days it will all be over. ...Until my final exams. *sigh* The fun never stops.
But, on this beautiful Sunday, I was finally rewarded for all my hard work by a fantastic day, the details of which I will not go into because nobody really wants to hear about other people's days. (Don't worry, I know you guys.) Instead, readers crave conflict! Angry rants! Scandalous backstabbing! So, to reward you for patiently waiting an entire week for me to restart my blog, here is some of that:

....well...originally I wrote a rant about spoiled, rich kids...the type that spends $600 on a dog or whines cuz her dream trip to Nice and Barcelona might turn into a "hellhole" visit to Vienna and Munich. (To quote her xanga: "
i don't want to go to germany and austria. those places suck compared to where i wanted to go." Boo-fucking-hoo.) But...the rant really came out a little more hate-filled and bitter than I intended, and I don't think it'll make me look any better to post something like that. So...I removed it. Sorry. There will be no conflicted, angry rants with scandalous backstabbing.

Instead, here is a link to information about the safeguards concerning Oregon's Death With Dignity Act.

P.S. You can tell by the totally unorganized structure and off-the-wall ramblings in this post that I'm really starting to go crazy from all this work and lack of sleep. Please forgive.

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