Come one, come all, and revel as I navigate the ups and downs of the mundanities of my life. Thus far, my stomach-churning has been kept to a minimum, but I can't speak for my readers. You'll be riveted as you're kept on the edge of your seat, wondering, "Will the next post be the one that makes me lose my lunch??" Excitement, she wrote!

Friday, July 01, 2005

Lightning Round, Part III

My blog entry ideas have been backlogged for weeks. There have been so many things I've wanted to write about but just haven't gotten a chance to do so. I still want to get to all of those topics, so I'm kind of trying to figure out a way to organize everything so I don't just have one giant overwhelming entry that covers way too many things.

Well, let's get the quick, superficial things out of the way first, shall we?

* * * * * * *
According a Yahoo! Insider News article today, Bennifer II have officially wed secretly in the Caribbean. The article also confirmed Garner's pregnancy, which will no doubt be intricately weaved into future Alias episodes. I hope it's not something corny like Sydney's eggs being harvested to create a baby, like they did on the X-Files. But I'm sure it will be.

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The recent Supreme Court ruling on the issue of public displays of the Ten Commandments caused at least one D.C. citizen to publicly express his dissent. While driving with Sachin on a routine investigation run today, we spotted a comical monstrosity on the corner of Massachusetts Avenue and North Capitol Street. A man had turned his truck into a protest van of sorts, covering his vehicle with sheets of wood bearing various hand-painted political slogans. Homosexuality is a Sin! Abortion is Murder! End Judicial Injustice Now! No, it was not Bill O'Reilly driving the truck, just a disgruntled-looking old man. However, I do have to give him credit for the construction of the whole thing, which was quite competent-looking despite resembling a Mexican fruit-stand. I will regret for the rest of my life not having a camera with me.

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Speaking of Sachin, bless the man for introducing me to the Flaming Lips, especially their song Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots. Hopefully I will scrape together some money to purchase their album of the same name, but I fear this plan will go the way of The Office (it's been 3 months since I've intended to by that DVD set, and no I still don't own it).

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And thus ends Lightning Round III. Tune in again soon for highlights of my awesome internship, of which I've written practically nothing about so far. Also, I will finally get to writing my response to an article Matt David sent me entitled How Psychology Majors have Corrupted America's Youth. And lastly, I may say a word or two about a children's story idea I have in mind; or at least, a story done in the style of a children's book. However, copyright infringement may be a slight tell me: do you know what a magic bullet is?


Anonymous said...

Why is Jennifer's hand, look at the picture, black? JC

Amy said...

Hey James:

that's not her hand. If you look at the picture, you'll see a third person (next to Jennifer) was cropped out. And it's that person's hand. That AFRICAN-AMERICAN person's BLACK hand.

I need a life, fast.

Love, Amy

Anonymous said...

what's with all the CAPS?
(normally i don't go back to past blog articles and read my comments. You got lucky this time, or I would've completely missed your godly response...)
James C