Come one, come all, and revel as I navigate the ups and downs of the mundanities of my life. Thus far, my stomach-churning has been kept to a minimum, but I can't speak for my readers. You'll be riveted as you're kept on the edge of your seat, wondering, "Will the next post be the one that makes me lose my lunch??" Excitement, she wrote!

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Bad Cops, Bad Cops

I saw Marshal Marshall today! It was the end of the day and he was leaving the courthouse, and it was weird because he wasn't wearing his US Marshals shirt, and what was even weirder was that even though he was getting off work he still had that ice-cold, hardass I'm-a-US-Marshal-therefore-I-can't-smile stare in his eyes. He was probably going to the gym to work his biceps a little more, before heading home to eat his Hungry Man dinner for one and practice choke holds for the rest of the night. That guy needs more lovin' in his life...

In other internship news, the manager of the Subway by the courthouse definitely thinks that Sachin and I are an item, since we always show up there together after we finish our investigative duties at the court. In a related matter, I dreamed last night that that Subway manager named a sub after me since I go there so much. I'm telling you all this because it is such necessary information.

In most important news, I had dinner with Yahya Radman tonight! Yes, the Yahya Radman I went out with in middle school. The Yahya Radman I have not seen in seven years since I started high school. That Yahya Radman.

After seven years, Yahya and I rekindle our 2-week middle school romance.

Seeing Yahya tonight was like reliving middle school, which was the two greatest years of my life. I can't believe people back there even remember me! Although I guess I have people like Yahya keeping the spirit of Amy Chen alive. (Funnily, apparently most of the people actually remember me as Daria, for which I was nicknamed because of my monotoned sarcasm and big round glasses.) Conversely, it was also interesting to hear what happened to everyone in the years since I left Bloomington. Jacob Pearson got shipped off to Jamaica for making threats on Bush's life in an Internet chatroom. Richard Smith plays soccer for Manchester United. Other stuff I can't remember because people's names are getting mixed together.

It's slightly strange (but also amazing) to see people again that you haven't seen in such a long time. It feels unreal - not for any sentimental reasons, but because something in the past that has been put away suddenly resurfaces, and it just seems incongruous for the past and present to exist at the same time. It is kind of like finding an old memento, or looking at a yearbook, but much more tangible. You get that slightly weird jolt, like part of your brain is telling you that this can't actually be happening, but at the same time it is fantastic because you get to relive something that by definition cannot be re-experienced.

Anyway, enough of the philosophical analysis. Middle school was the fucking best years of my life, and those were the best friends of my life, and Yahya rules for stopping by D.C. to see my part of the world.


Anonymous said...

sigh, once again i'm back to your site. i gotta say, good writing! it's on par with Harry Potter and similar yet so differnt. i feel like "Kaitylicious" and I (i know grammer!) are the only people reading your wonderful life. haha oh it's all good. good thing you were more professional and didn't get a xanga...or do you? haha

Anonymous said...

oh yeah i think your mother reads this too. so now you have 3 die-hard fanatical readers! I know i can always rely on your wonderful blog space to cheer me up. alright JC

Amy said...

Thanks for pointing out that my MOTHER reads this, James!

Actually she doesn't read this thing. I just sent her the link to the one entry cuz it had photos in it.

*sigh* thanks for making me like a billion times lamer.

(Oh yeah, other ppl read it, but they just don't comment. the bastards.)


Anonymous said...

sorry, I think it's pretty cool that she reads this.

And all joking aside, don't be too harsh on yourself. You're not HALF as lame as you say you are. (seriously, i kid, i kid!)

you're the coolest person ever. Take care in DC and watch out for those pesky coppers.

I learned this from a Virginian friend of mine...L8tr G8tr

Keep raising the roof!

Anonymous said...

Hi Amy, I'm Eric, I am a French from Aix-en-Provence and I need to talk with Yahya, but could not find a way to keep in touch.
Can you do something to help me by giving my message and putting an answer on your blog "Confessions of a queen Dramamine." Thank you very much. EG