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After paying my DSL and Express bills for this month, I have a grand total of $10* left over in my checking account.MattDMan14: hah are you kidding me? that's brilliant
MattDMan14: it's like, your budget is perfectly balanced
o0 freelancer 0o: no, that does NOT indicate my budget is perfectly balanced
o0 freelancer 0o: it indicates that i am totally fucked
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If I shave off 9** seconds from my combined Beginner, Intermediate, and Expert Minesweeper times, I will qualify to be in the World Rankings for Minesweeper. To qualify, the combined times of all levels must be 99 seconds or lower. Someday, in the near future, I will join the prestigious list of names such as Arne Vestrheim of Norway (99 seconds), Lau Tai Leong of Singapore (79 seconds), and Matt McGrinley of the USA (62 seconds).
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I'm going to see Rilo Kiley on May 28th at the 9:30 Club with Stumpy McNoleggs! If anyone wants to join us, get your tickets at the 9:30 Club website before they sell out!
April 26th update:
* $5
** 7 seconds
April 26th update:
* $5
** 7 seconds