Come one, come all, and revel as I navigate the ups and downs of the mundanities of my life. Thus far, my stomach-churning has been kept to a minimum, but I can't speak for my readers. You'll be riveted as you're kept on the edge of your seat, wondering, "Will the next post be the one that makes me lose my lunch??" Excitement, she wrote!

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

So I'm an extroverted idiot.

What in the hell is this? These online dating personality test results (see below) lead me to strongly question the reliability and accuracy of Internet quizzes (although I still stand by the Spark Test that declares me to be a woman, and that 48% of their testers were more male than me and 44% more female than me). But in all honesty, I am shocked - shocked - that of the 10 traits I was rated on, intellect came in dead last. "Big-hearted" came in 5 places before "Intellectual"! What kind of bullshit is that? And I think most people will agree that I'm way funnier than I am adventurous (although I think having gone wading in a Baltimore sewage creek qualifies as somewhat adventurous:)

o0 freelancer 0o: so apparently there are "do not go into the water at any cost" signs all over that creek we waded in last year
XPhyIe: hmmm
XPhyIe: thats no good :-P

But back to my "Date Match Profile." A loving, nurturing person will fill that hole in your life? What hole in my life? Bah, what do they know about me.

So yeah...take the damn quiz and let me know if we should get married.

Your dating personality profile:

Outgoing - You can liven up any party. You've got a way with people and have little difficulty charming your dates.
Liberal - Politics matters to you, and you aren't afraid to share your left-leaning views. You would never be caught voting for a conservative candidate.
Sensual - You are not particularly shy when it comes to your sexuality. You know what you like and do not feel inhibited.
Your date match profile:

Liberal - You need a person who has liberal opinions and beliefs. You are engaged by political discussions and would find a liberal viewpoint refreshing in a date.
Practical - You are drawn to people who are sensible and smart. Flashy, materialistic people turn you off. You appreciate the simpler side of living.
Big-Hearted - You want someone compassionate, someone gentle and kind. A loving, nurturing person will fill that hole in your life.

Your Top Ten Traits

1. Outgoing
2. Liberal
3. Sensual
4. Adventurous
5. Big-Hearted
6. Wealthy/Ambitious
7. Stylish
8. Funny
9. Romantic
10. Intellectual
Your Top Ten Match Traits

1. Liberal
2. Practical
3. Big-Hearted
4. Adventurous
5. Funny
6. Outgoing
7. Romantic
8. Intellectual
9. Wealthy/Ambitious
10. Sensual

Take the Online Dating Personality Quiz at Dating Diversions


Anonymous said...

i am:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, sadly I'm not very bright; intellectual is nowhere on this list. Who cares, marry me anyway. You and my other wives will be smart enough for both (or all?, whatever) of us.

Your Top Ten Traits, Ranked
1. Liberal
2. Athletic
3. Shy
4. Big-Hearted
5. Stylish
6. Sensual
7. Adventurous
8. Funny
9. Religious
10. Wealthy/Ambitious

Your Top Ten Match Traits, Ranked
1. Practical
2. Athletic
3. Conservative
4. Religious
5. Adventurous
6. Intellectual
7. Funny
8. Shy
9. Wealthy/Ambitious
10. Stylish